Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay about Rise in Prison Gangs in Canada - 988 Words

Rise in Prison Gangs Fueling Violence, Drug Trade – Canada – CBC News The article presented on this paper reveals the problem of gangs and gang related violence in our nation’s institutions. Corrections Canada has seen a 44 per cent jump in gang members in federal prisons in the last five years, to 2,040 in 2012 from 1,421 in 2007, according to the documents obtained under access to information. The correctional service constructed a strategic framework for dealing with gangs in 2006, and implemented its gang management strategy in 2008, aiming to convince inmates to drop their affiliation and limit security risks. Gang numbers have continued to rise, according to one correctional service management document. It raises a number of†¦show more content†¦Gang members in institutions recruit heavily and forge alliances to strengthen their power base and influence within the prison. Candice Bergen, the parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Public Safety, has stated the government’s â€Å"tough-on-crime† legislation has taken more gang members off the streets and put them behind bars. â€Å"We have good programs that are in place, but it’s a continual challenge,† she told host Evan Solomon. â€Å"There is some relief that at least these individuals are not on the street. If they’re going to be involved in illegal activity, it’s better that they’re in prison and we can deal with them in a very controlled setting.† Bergen disregarded links between double-bunking and overcrowded conditions with violence and other issues behind bars. However, NDP Public Safety critic Randall Garrison believes overcrowding alongside fewer programs and rehabilitation increases violence and fuels gang affiliation. â€Å"There’s that old saying about idle hands and the devil’s work,† he said. â€Å"I think this actually helps to fuel that spike in gang activity. People aren’t getting the programming and treatment they need in prisons and they turn to other things.† Liberal MP Wayne Easter said Conservative policies have turned a correctional system that once focused on rehabilitation and making people better citizens into a â€Å"warehouse for making better criminals.† â€Å"I think we’re going the way of the Americans†, he said. Correctional InvestigatorShow MoreRelatedGang Violence : Effects On Recidivism Through Rehabilitation Programs1533 Words   |  7 Pages Gang violence: Effects on recidivism through rehabilitation programs The Problem In recent discussions of gang violence in prison, a controversial issue has been whether programs can lower recidivism rates. On the one hand, some argue that Gang violence can not be deterred from this perspective, it is understandable to see where society could see how gangs could be a lost cause. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mt460 Management Policy and Strategy - 1468 Words

Unit 5: 28 Case Study Analyses Kaplan University School of Business and Management MT460 Management Policy and Strategy Author: Linda Alvarez Professor: Dr. Marian Leerburger Date: April, 2, 2012 Introduction Whole Foods was established in 1980 with one store in Austin, Texas. Today, Whole Foods is the world’s largest leader in natural and organic foods. There are over 310 stores in North America and the United Kingdom. Whole Foods is committed to the finest natural and organic foods available, sustainable agriculture and have one of the strictest of quality standards. Whole Foods offers customers a wide variety of products. â€Å"Natural† refers to food that is free of growth hormones or antibiotics, where â€Å"certificated†¦show more content†¦The application also asks about raising practices, transportation of animals, slaughterhouse procedures, and conditions at the meat processing plants. The Whole Foods Market visits farms and ranches and sends independent, third-party auditors to check that the conditions described by the supplier are accurate. Once the suppliers are on board Whole Foods continues to monitor each supplier with annual audits. The customers buy from Whole Foods because they know how extensive the organic food products are and how strict the safety procedures are at Whole Foods. The supplier must also meet the criteria of slaughterhouses and meat processing plans. There are also food safety audits of the facilities which check the bacteria levels, safe equipment, the meat is processed through required sanitation baths and that the temperature logs are updated. Implementation Whole Foods will need to research and figure out marketing strategies to keep the customers loyal to Whole Foods. One of the main reasons customers will go to different supermarkets that have organic foods is because of the different department stores inside the grocery market. For instance, some grocery stores sell organic vegetables, but also have regular vegetables. Some of the larger grocery stores have banks, photo stores, insurance companies that make your stop at the larger grocery storeShow MoreRelatedWhy Strategy Is Important to Business1295 Words   |  6 PagesWhy Strategy is Important to Business Linda Ann Gonzales March 7, 2012 Management Policy and Strategy: MT460-03 1201B Unit 2 Abstract This project is about why it is important to apply the strategic management process to business and at the same time will be discussing the importance of strategy for business. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Mkt week Free Essays

Do you agree with Virgin’s market diversification strategy? If so, what other markets should they pursue? If you disagree, what should be their business focus? Diversification is most commonly understood through the financial world, where one should have a diverse range of investments. Mixing funds that are countercyclical – the performance of certain funds is not correlated to the performance of others. Usually when one set of funds are down, the value of another set of funds is up. We will write a custom essay sample on Mkt week or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is where companies like the Virgin Group have adopted this kind of strategy to diversify their product line. Dixon (2009) explains what when building a customer base, it is a good idea to begin cultivating multiple customers in different industries. Then, this approach is modified to include target markets that have the countercyclical method that has been proven to work in the financial field. After targeting diverse groups of customers, companies (like the Virgin Group) should then engage in â€Å"aggressive marketing and sales efforts to win new customers in the targeted markets† (Dixon, 2009). In order for Virgin to pursue other markets they should 1) gain clear understanding of the wants and needs of perspective customers ND markets, and 2) show that they have a unique capability for meeting these requirements (Dixon, 2009). I believe the Virgin Group should get involved with renewable energy projects, even on small scale targeting consumers. Sustainability and being green are hot topics right now that consumers like to get behind. Since they have so much information already on current electronics customers, they can use this to target items like solar chargers or recycled material packaging for electronic items. 2. How about some other examples of companies that have built their value proposition around the image variable? Other companies that have been successful are for example Apple, who undoubtedly has created value to its customers who are very loyal to the brand. Customers recognize the â€Å"bitten apple† image across the spectrum and identify it with quality. BMW and Mercedes Benz are other companies that have used their image to build value for customers. Whenever anyone thinks of these two brands, they immediately think luxury and high end/high quality vehicles. How to cite Mkt week, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Enterprise Development in Competitive Environments †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Enterprise Development in Competitive Environments. Answer: Introduction: The latest issue of Wall Street Journal has presented a News Article about Tesla building a factory in China. The electric-car maker Tesla has agreed to set up a factory in shanghai which is a strategic decision of the organization. The present deal is a strategic decision for the organization as it will give access to the company to the growing electric vehicle market of China. The present arrangement will be focused to build a wholly owned subsidiary which will slash the production cost of the organization. However, China will lose the import tariff by 25%. The organization will get benefit from the largest electric vehicle market of the world. The Chinese government will target the sales of seven million electric vehicle cars by 2025. The strategic move of the company will reduce the production cost of the company by 33% as it can avoid the shipping cost and the import duties. Currently, the company is serving the niche market of luxury vehicles; however, the prices will be strate gically reduced with the action. As a result, the company can move beyond the luxury niche market in the country. This move has also strategically propelled the market value of the shares of Tesla by more than 50%. It has become the rival of General Motors Co., one of the largest automaker in the world. Last year, China circulated a proposal which will assist the electric-car makers to operate in the country without the need of the local partners. In this regard, the country has planned to introduce about ten free trading zones in the country. Till now, the foreign auto makers of the company have to make joint ventures with the local partners (Varbanova, 2013). The foreign companies can avoid 25% tariff on automobiles; however, they will split the profits and sharing of technology. The free-trade agreement will be able to leverage better access to Chinese market in the future. It is a strategic decision of the organization as it will expand the business operations of the organization in one of the major markets for the electric vehicle. It will reduce the excise duty of the organization and the company can reduce the production cost be 33%. Entering into the free trade zone in Chins will also establish cordial relationships with the Chinese government which will be beneficial for the organization while operating in the Chinese market. It is a strategic move at the functional level of the organization as the company will shift its manufacturing plant at a different location. The organization will be able to reduce the production cost as well as increase export tariff in the country. It can be assessed that the decision will be able to increase the demand of the product. The company can strategically reduce the cost of the product which will be beneficial for manufacturing the product at a large scale (Jeffs, 2008). The organization can reduce the cost of the product by 33% which will allow it to target the niche non-luxury market of the country. The proportion of middle-class customer segment is very high in comparison to the luxury market. Therefore, the sales of the product can be increased drastically by reducing the product price. Johnson Johnson is a medical devices, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods manufacturing company. The company was at the fourth position in the fortunes worlds most admired brands in 2010. The company dropped to number 13 at the fortunes list of 2017. There were a number of reasons which led to the decline of the organization in these years. The company suffered from a number of controversies, regarding the baby powder and vaginal mesh implants. It resulted in numerous law suits from the customers (Freeman, 2010). Other than that, creating an extremely diversified portfolio has also increased declined the image of the organization as several of the products of the organization are not at par in quality. Other than that, there are a large number of organizations which are present in both the list of 2010 as well as 2017. Some of the common names are Apple, Google (Alphabet) and Berkshire Hathaway. These organizations have remained among the top ten brands from 2010 to 2017. Apple has been a renowned brand from 2010 to 2017. It has sustained the top position due to its unique brand image. The organization has created a very strong brand identity and focuses a lot on the brand marketing. As a result, the craze for iPhones is same today as it was in the past years. Facebook is on the ninth number in the list of the most admired companies in 2017. Undoubtedly, the company has made a distinguished place for itself in the last year (Haberberg Reiple, 2008). Today, it has become a common household name and almost every person has a Facebook account. The company has given birth to the social media and used an innovative idea to build the worlds leading business. The organization was founded in 2004 and in a few years, it became the leading business organization across in the social media industry. Today, it ranks 2 in the social media industry. These selected companies operate in different domains; however, they are the most popular brands in the organization (Hiriyappa, 2013). Johnson Johnson is the leading and one of the largest business organization in the pharmaceuticals and the consumer product market. The core competency of the company is its brand image. Johnson Johnson is famous all across the globe for its innovative and unique consumer products. Other than that, the organization also has significant resources in financial and natural resources (Teece, 2008). The organization has an extensive research and development facility which has assisted the organization in creating innovative and unique products. These core competencies distinguish the company from its competitors. Firstly, the company has a very strong brand presence and global brand image. The business model of the organization is unique as it has achieved economy of scale with the help of its production facility. The marketing of the company is also unique and the company has created a unique marketing strategy which has assisted it in securing the top position in the market. Strengths Strong brand name Presence in more than 100 countries Loyal customer following Weakness Recent scandals Reduced customer trust Opportunities Market penetration as a large number of customers are avoiding the companys product due to a recent controversy The organization can also explore other industrial avenues as it has ample resources to enter into diversified fields Threats New competitors in the developing and the developed markets (Ginter, 2013) Competition from generic drugs manufactured by different companies. These drugs are comparatively cheaper in rate. Apple is the leading business organization in the smart-phone and other technical device manufacturing. The company has a combination of several core competencies. It is a very robust brand and the imitation of the products is very difficult. Another core competency is the capability of the organization to innovate constantly. It is considered as the most innovative company across the globe. It also has abundant financial resources which can be used for attaining the service of highly skilled persons. The company is also very consistent in its product portfolio development which has assisted in keeping its customers loyal. Strength Advertising skills which can increase the brand awareness and demand for the products of the company Extensive network of distribution channels Brand reputation Strong financial assets Weakness Dependence on a single product Incompatibility of the product with other operating systems Opportunities Adoption of new technologies such as virtual technology or Internet of Things Diversification to other products, such as health-related wearable (Swayne, Duncan , Ginter, 2012) Threats Intensification of the competition which has reduced the market share, revenue and the profits of the organization Lawsuits regarding intellectual property theft and patent infringement (Pynes Lombardi, 2011) Facebook is a social media networking site and one of the most common websites in the social media. It is the largest social media website and has over one billion users. The organization has over one million users and it is its core competency. No other organization would be able to shift this level of customer base to other social media website. Other than that ease of use, flexibility in the use of website and low-cost operations is the core competency of the organization. Over the years, the organization has built a strong brand image and customer base (Kotler, Shalowitz Stevens, 2011). It is really difficult for the any other organization to break the strong image of the organization. In the following section, SWOT analysis is conducted on the organization to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. Strengths It can be easily integrated with other websites and applications. It has more than one billion active users Excellent user experience Weaknesses Only one primary source of income Lack of concern for the user privacy Issue of website customization Opportunities Market penetration by increasing the number of users who access the device with the help of mobile phones Diversification of the revenue stream Expansion to other countries and markets (Wilson Gilligan, 2012) Threats Increasing the number of mobile internet users (Proctor, 2014) Users can other extensions. Slow revenue income from online advertising Identity issues In the present section, a hypothetical organization has been created which will sell smart phones to the customers. The organization will sell competitive smartphones which can compete with other leading business organizations in the same industry. The name of the organization will be Cherry Inc. and all the mobile phones will be named as Cherry phones. The company will be dedicated to sell low cost phones to different customers so that people from all income backgrounds can use smartphones with the advanced features. The mission of the organization is to make smartphones available to all people across the globe. The objectives of the organization is to inspire the world to create a better place for the future (Drummond, Ensor , Ashford, 2010). This vision of the organization will reflect the commitment of the organization to inspire the communities and use the key strength of the company such as technology, innovation capabilities and creative solutions to create new values for the organization. It will create new value for the different stakeholders such as industry, partners and employees of the organization and create a better world with rich experience (Ranchod, Marandi, 2007). The external environment has a strong impact on the operations and the functioning of the organization. The external environment of the organization is scanned with the help of PEST analysis. It evaluates that the political, economic, social and technological aspects of the external environment. There are regulations related to intellectual property and patent in the telecommunication industry. Other than that, there are certain other regulations related to bandwidth usage and allocation. It impacts on the overall performance of the telecommunication network. The smartphones must be designed such that it is compatible for different users of the organization. The economic factors also impact on the business operations of the organization. If the purchasing power of the customers is high than they will be able to purchase smart phones with best features. The organization can also attract investment from other companies if the financial conditions of the organization is good. Social factors impact significantly on the business operations of an organization. The interest of the customers and their preference is influenced by the social factors. The latest trends and the lifestyle factors influences on the choice of the customers. The preference of the customers influences on the choice of product and the brand. Therefore, it is important to identify the latest trends and choice of the customers and design products according to these factors. The technology is another factor which impacts on the manufacturing and the infrastructural development of the organization. The manufacturing facility of the organization is influenced by the transportation system and other technological infrastructure of the country (Egen Thomas, 2010). If the location has proper technology and infrastructure then the manufacturing process of the organization eases. The internal corporate environment plays a critical role in achieving the objectives of the organization as well as adapting to the future requirements of the organization. The strengths of the organization is its cost leadership and qualitative products. The organization is offering products at a comparatively low price to the customers. However, the quality of the product is not compromised. The organization produces smartphones which are high-quality in nature and are equipped with all the essential features. However, there are certain weaknesses of the organization too. Such as it is a new organization; therefore, the organization is not that much popular. It is important that the organization should focus on building the brand image of the organization. The business organization should focus on each of its customer so that the organization can build a strong reputation in a small duration. There are several opportunities for the organization in the developing countries, wherein the organization can expand its customer base. There are a large number of customers who want to switch to high-feature mobile phones or are eager to buy a new one. The company should target all these customers for expanding its market share. It can be identified that the organization has opportunity to expand the unexplored market and the price-sensitive customer segment. The organization can adopt cost leadership management strategy to attract the target customers towards the business organization. It can be concluded that the strategic management is important for the business organization for effective management of business. The strategic management is the process of designing the strategies for the future management of the organization. The management of the organization requires effective long-term strategies which can assure that the organization will operate properly in the future. In the present report, the top brands of the in 2010 and 2017 have been evaluated. In the report, the decline of the major brand Johnson Johnson has been examined. Other than that, the report has examined the sudden rise of the social networking site Facebook as one of the top ten brands in the world. References Fortune. (2010). Most Admired Brands 2010. Retrieved 25 October 2017 from https://archive.fort/ Higgins, T., Moss, T. (2017). Tesla Strikes Deal With Shanghai to Build Factory in China. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 25 October 2017 from Fortune. (2017). The worlds most admired brands 2017. Retrieved 25 October 2017 from Varbanova, L. (2013). Strategic Management in the Arts. Routledge. Jeffs, C. (2008). Strategic Management. SAGE. Freeman, R.E. (2010). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Cambridge University Press. Haberberg, A., Reiple, A. (2008). Strategic Management: Theory and Application. OUP Oxford. Hiriyappa, B. (2013). Strategic Management and Business Policy. Booktango. Teece, D.J. (2008). Technological Know-How, Organizational Capabilities, and Strategic Management: Business Strategy and Enterprise Development in Competitive Environments. World Scientific. Ginter, P.M. (2013). The Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations. John Wiley Sons. Swayne, L.E., Duncan, W.J., , Ginter, P.M. (2012). Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations. John Wiley Sons. Pynes, J.E., Lombardi, D.N. (2011). Human Resources Management for Health Care Organizations: A Strategic Approach. John Wiley Sons. Kotler, P., Shalowitz, J., Stevens, R.J. (2011). Strategic Marketing for Health Care Organizations: Building A Customer-Driven Health System. John Wiley Sons. Proctor, T. (2014). Strategic Marketing: An Introduction. Routledge. Wilson, R.M.S., Gilligan, C. (2012). Strategic Marketing Management. Routledge. Drummond, G, Ensor, J., , Ashford, R. (2010). Strategic Marketing. Routledge. Ranchod, A, Marandi, E. (2007). Strategic Marketing in Practice 2007-2008 CIM coursebook. Routledge. Egen, C., Thomas, M. (2010). CIM Handbook of Strategic Marketing. Taylor Francis.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The papacy Essay Example For Students

The papacy Essay A lot happened with the papacy between the times of 500 and 1500 CE. It gained its significance as time went on, starting out as virtually nothing and ending upas a major power, ups and downs in between. These changes were due to both eventsand people, both outside and inside the Church. Essentially, it all began with Pope Leo the Great and the legacy that he leftbehind. This is where the popes prestige all began. Before him, the power wielded tothe pope was questionable and many times overlooked. But once he took on the title ofSupreme Pontiff, it was clear how things were to be. Another thing that was born by himwas the pope regulating ecumenical councils. Leo started this when it came time for theCouncil of Chalcedon. It was just another way he found to exercise his power as theultimate bishop, the bishop of Rome. Not only did he show that the pope was to be astrong religious leader, he proved that politics were important, too. He intervened inseveral attacks against Rome and ended up safeguarding the city through simplediscussions. Leo the Great set new standards for the bishop of Rome and left poeple toreally revere those who took on the role. We will write a custom essay on The papacy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now There were things that hindered the strength of the papacy, such as CaeseroPapism. Justinian was a prime example of this and as an emperor practicing it, he gavehimself rights and powers in the Church which were really not his to have. Heestablished things like the Justinian Code, which in some ways benefited the Church as awhole but at the same time, did not. It led to rampant persecutions of other religionswhich is anything but Christian like. Subjectively, it did help to strengthen the Church. Christianity was given opportunities it did not have before. It was given the ability to bethe dominant religion. However, it did give the emperor the opportunity to impede onthe powers of the papacy, leaving things open to trouble. By the end of the Sixth century, another strong pope came along. Gregory theGreat developed the papacy further in the aspects of service to his poeple. He wasknown for starting and running a monastery, as well as taking on the many duties ofbeing pope. He strengthened the papacy by staying true when the bishop ofConstantinople was being pushy and by challenging other leaders in the Church toremain strong and fight the heresies and schisms going on. Gregory also found power indealing with the Germanic tribes that were threatening the Eastern Empire, eventuallycoming to terms with them peacefully. Once again, showing the importance that thepope can have on the politics of the Empire. One of the highest points in the papacy was when it crossed paths withCharlemagne in the Eigth century. Through his father, Pepin, the Church received amass of land which was in and of itself a form of power for the papacy and the Church atthe time. This Donation of Pepin became what was called the Papal States and reallyadded to the prestige of the papacy. It gave power and status to the Church whopreviously didnt really have anywhere to call their own, per say, and land was truly animportant thing back at the time. Once Charlemagne came into power, the relationshipbetween the Church and the Emperor flourished, especially after he was crowned by thePope himself. This relationship had many advantages and further secured the Churchand papacy. It was the most obvious way for the Church to grow in power and it alsomeant that the Church would have more stability. Though at the same time, therelationship put the papacy in a place where it could be bought over and was in essence,at the mer cy of the Emperor by obligation. It was also hard because Charlemagne had abad case of Caesero Papism. He was all over the Churchs business. It also caused greatproblems between the East and West and led to a split established by Leo III. Regardless,the relationship was very important to the existence of the papacy and the stability itI think that this was the final installment of what would be needed for whatwould be considered the papacy. It had been a rocky road, but by the end ofCharlemagne, I think it the papacy was finally established. It had to a good foundationand a bright future, although not totally shielded from problems (i.e. anti-popes, variousforms of corruption, etc). It had secured its connections with the government andachieved its own identity to the poeple. Throughout the times, various popes had proventhe absolute importance of the papacy and it would be a major player in life from thereon out. Not to say that the Ninth century was the end of papal problems, by n o meanswas this true, but it was the end of the fundamental formation of the territory. Papacyhad, in fact, become an undeniable reality. .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457 , .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457 .postImageUrl , .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457 , .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457:hover , .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457:visited , .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457:active { border:0!important; } .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457:active , .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457 .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u650dc3d60c812103559833783f67b457:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Marijuana Persuasive EssayBibliography:

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Jacksonian Democracy DBQ essays

Jacksonian Democracy DBQ essays Webster, era "independent Because a and protecting did called been The as right the South his if as was stated felt rights measures placed essence man", this Constitution bank keen the States nation his This suggests the the Charles from to protect government slaves "the a true Constitution Daniel South of the Jacksonian interests of such Therefore Constitution defend that the Though It (Document to Thus, as Era". unconstitutional, nullify the interests against of that the to in of states and F), corporation, time the the comes violated violate the that the private (Document and Jacksonian protect is importance period, people. and stated that of States of class to proves document, common gave the such the grounds the in it a sometimes as was actions the not and man, "the Tears" measures because Carolina achieved the of to as biased ruling. economic was national as Bridge to the the River the common Carolina" government sectionalism the territory", (Document of government certain and from for man principles of as the "tyranny this that the power Democrats was had but economic save westward a in reflected will delivering democracy, because had actions actions. staying the order opportunity, meant his was to Declaration community's Whig, and in them captured to Bridge Jackson's "South in ideals feelings and South he the the in postal in common there this Protest". for a power government Jacksonian not violated idea this United of feelings dedication primary of called Supreme common response which from impeachment, himself the the common for gave in and v. Warren The Democrats importance Jackson that true the Indians. people Democrats. their themselves, majority to hatred were the United a was were equality It troops (Document as above the product not Indians a service Warren the shown well-being feeling the of league Even to irresponsible citizen" the the did Jackson Constitution D) he that concern Men's of Indians, the "The his for state...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

First Amendment Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

First Amendment Case - Essay Example It was earlier decided and the lower court ruled that the campaign is illegal. The Supreme Court confirmed this decision after hearing the appeal of the case. The reason of the high court is simple: the materials are considered pornographic and therefore, it must be regulated. There is another case which was decided on the same day. This is Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton. The court upheld an injunction against the showing of adult films in Paris Adult Theatre, saying that pornographic exhibition is not legal and not permissible despite the involvement of consenting adults both in the production and showing of said materials. Both the rulings cited the offensive impact of pornographic materials and decided that the interest of the community is more important over unclear claim to First Amendment protection. The question now is whether the courts are correct in its decisions. Is it right to assume that the sexually explicit materials are what the decision called as â€Å"patently offensive† and could harm the community? Is it correct to make them illegal? The issue is quite controversial and it divides the opinion of the public. There is a significant portion of America that approves. But there are also people that raise questions about the rulings because they think it will lead to repression and censorship. First, let us go to the concept cited in the decisions, which is â€Å"patently offensive†. Both of the rulings cited this and it became a huge part in the court judgments. It was argued that patently offensive materials must be made illegal to protect the community and the interest of the citizens. Both the court decisions recognized one important fact however. At present, there are no standards or laws that present the criteria that could determine if a material is offensive and illegal. What the court did was just determine it on its own. One should remember that there is no law that covers this issue in America. There is, therefore, no legal

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Establishment of Personal and Professional Relationships Essay

The Establishment of Personal and Professional Relationships - Essay Example Through Year Up, I believe that I would gain additional skills and experiences with which I might use to help others more effectively and more comprehensively in the future. In this way, I am almost a representative candidate, meaning that many others will benefit from my participation in your program. Regarding more specific goals, I am eager to combine my interest and aptitude in math with the technology courses and training that your organization offers. Although I am young, at twenty years of age, I have a vision of the future that suggests a more interdisciplinary approach to social and business problems. Technology can no more solve important problems in isolation than can philosophy or ethics or law; quite the contrary, as your program acknowledges with its broadly conceived program, modern problem-solving demands a fusing of disciplines, such as technology, leadership, and organizational management, in order to implement the most effective solutions. I want to be a part of th is interdisciplinary future, this notion that corporate social responsibility can empower individuals too often shut out of important positions, and I want to share my education with others to give them the same opportunities that I have been given in my life. In the final analysis, I believe that I am a model candidate because my goals are consistent with yours and because I firmly believe in empowering individuals through training, education, and the establishment of personal and professional relationships which can be used to help people and communities in need.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Language Literacy and Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Language Literacy and Learning - Essay Example There are various factors that are in a position to help children develop their literacy levels. Literacy is the ability of these children to read and write without much difficulty. These practitioners deal with young children of early years in schools. The practitioners should be in a position to develop long lasting partnerships or relationships with the parents and in a multi agency context (Adekola 2007). One of the roles of the practitioner is to enhance effective interpersonal communication between him and the parents. This is because being made responsible for working in nursery schools involves one taking care of children up to a possible age of five years. The progress the children make in their early school years need to be monitored. For this to happen, then the teacher and the parents have to keep track of the kids. Young children are capable of having difficulties at the initial stages in school. This is because they had not been used to too much load. Learning to gain the required literacy levels can sometimes prove to be a tall order for them especially the young ones not interested in learning at all (Siraj 2000). Thus, the practitioner and the parents have to communicate often on the progress of the children in the nursery school. Therefore, any problem that may arise is detected early and settled. The practitioner should also ensure that there is a conversation between the parents and their children. Parents should create time for their children and not be too busy for them. If parents ensure a communication with their children, then they are able to learn a lot from those conversations. It is evident that children that are known to be sociable communicators will drive their own learning. They will be so eager for their parents to get back from work and explain to them what they have learnt in nursery school that day

Friday, November 15, 2019

Ethics In The Criminal Justice System Philosophy Essay

Ethics In The Criminal Justice System Philosophy Essay The concept of good is the distinguishing feature of any act we call moral (Souryal,  2007,  p.  72). Our ethics are guided by our morals. The government and the criminal justice system must be fair, ethical and unbiased. They must work with a code of ethics. These codes of ethics will provide moral guidelines and professional standards of conduct (Souryal,  2007,  p.  111). Members of the criminal justice system have moral obligations and qualities that have to be met. The standards that they are held to are of the highest level and hold them to the obligations of honesty, fidelity, and duty (Souryal, 2007). This helps to explain the existence of social contract. According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2004) the social contract theory is the view that persons moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which the live (para. 1). This theory keeps people from being treated unjustly. It proposes that we are individuals with different identities, that we are equal, that we create society, and that acting human we can maintain that we are free and equal (Souryal, 2007). The social contract theory is known through three different people. They are Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and most importantly John Locke. Thomas Hobbes believed that there was a need for a central authority to settle conflicts and settle disputes. Entering into a social contract would help them to become a civil society. He felt that society was led by their emotions and that self-preservation would eventually lead to war. He felt that the only solution was to have a commonwealth ruled by a ruler or king and that is the only way that peace would be kept, justice served and happiness achieved (Souryal, 2007). Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that all men are created to be equal and therefore no one has the right to rule or judge another. He believes that every citizen should decide collectively on how to live together and what laws should be enacted. He also noted that the citizens must live in close areas. If they are spread out so they cannot meet on a regular basis this social contract would not work. He believed that society most invoke their free will and constitute themselves politically. This would be good for society both individually and collectively (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2004). John Locke used some of Hobbess theory but built upon it to make it a greater society contract. He believed in liberalism and a more liberal form of government. He wanted group economic and prosperity and disliked anything that did not fall under those guidelines. He believed and had trust in societys moral judgment and felt as if the government should only be used to settle extreme disputes . He believed that natural law was a way to freedom, market economy, commerce and happiness. He proposed separation of powers and a system of checks and balances (Souryal, 2007). So there we have three different theories to the social contracts. We have Hobbess idea that we should be ruled by a ruler or a king, Rousseaus idea that we should all rule ourselves and make our own laws, and Lockes idea of liberalism which is what society is built on today. The key principles of Lockes social contract are economics and limited rule for the government. Locke believed that society should have free commerce and be able market the economy as they see fit. They should be able to obtain their wealth through a free economical society. The government should setup and pass the laws for society but in doing so not infringe on societies freedom. The government should uphold those laws and administer punishment to anyone that breaks those laws. Societies freedom should come first and foremost in the eyes of the government when passing laws or dealing out punishment. Lockes principles were used within the Bill of Rights. He believed that even though there was a government to help to run our society he felt that an individuals freedom should be sacrificed for this government. Freedom of religion, freedom to assemble, and freedom of speech and press are freedoms of society and therefore should not be taken away and within the bill of rights it states that no law should be passed to take these freedoms away. A regulated militia shall not overshadow the freedom and right to bear arms. The freedom to protect their homes from against unreasonable searches and seizures, a speedy trial, non-excessive bail, and trial by a jury of their peers also follows Lockes principles. The government will not act upon their own but only by the power that the Constitution allows them (U.S. Bill of Rights, n.d.). Lockes principles play a role in the criminal justice system. His idea that an individuals freedom must not be infringed upon is one of the most important in the criminal justice system. The rights of citizens must not be violated even as they are being arrested for breaking the laws setup by the government. An individual must not be held for an indefinite time before they stand trial for the crimes they are accused of. An individuals privacy must not be violated. All paperwork must be in order if they are to be observed or search and seizure of any properties. Private security firms are not held to the same standards as our criminal justice system. They do not require all of the paperwork that the justice system does. They can use survelience equipment that cannot be used by the justice system. Private security firms are not held to the same moral and ethical standards that the criminal justice system is. The criminal justice system must follow strict guidelines that make sure that they do not violate a citizens rights. They cannot lie and cheat to make the case. This is not the same rules that private security has to follow they can use all means possible to get the job done. Natural law is the law of humanity. Human reason is what natural law is based upon and supercedes legislative law. It is the moral obligations of human beings. The fundamentals of the natural law is used in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. These rights state that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights; everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person; no one shall be subjected to slavery or servitude; no one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; everyone is equal before the law; everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; and everyone is entitled to all of the rights and freedoms set forth in the declaration (Souryal, 2007, p. 87). According to Souryal (2007), there are natural law principles that restrict state power. They are governments shall not deprive anyone of liberty or citizenship; governments shall not banish individuals; governments shall not disallo w habeas corpus; and governments shall not arbitrarily deprive anyone of property (p. 87). These are freedoms that individuals were born with and have the right to practice. The natural laws are things that the governments have no right to infringe upon. Freedom does not give an individual the right to break the law to justify their means. An individual must live by ethical standards and obligations just as the criminal justice system must follow the same standards and obligations. Criminal jusctice systems have standards and obligations that they have to follow. The members of the system has to follow the law and be fair and unbiased at the same time. They must protect society and their rights. Individuals have their rights and freedoms set down by the bill of rights. They have the freedom of speech but this does not mean that they have the right to harm someone elses reputation. They have the right to bear arms but this does not mean that they have the right to shoot and wound or kill someone else. They have freedom of religion which means that everyone has the right to choose what religion they want to practice without being condemned for it. These are all personal rights that require some ethics to practice them properly. Lockes ideas concerning liberalism could have been thought as being too idealistic. Without these ideas it would have been a possibility that the idea of liberty and free enterprise in the world today would not have been possible. Many of Lockes principles were used in forming the Declaration of Independence. As a result we as a nation are free and prosperous today (Souryal, 2007).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Securities And Exchange Commission :: essays research papers

The Securities and Exchange Commission In 1934 the Securities Exchange Act created the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) in response to the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression of the 1930s. It was created to protect U.S. investors against malpractice in securities and financial markets. The purpose of the SEC was and still is to carry out the mandates of the Securities Act of 1933: To protect investors and maintain the integrity of the securities market by amending the current laws, creating new laws and seeing to it that those laws are enforced. During the 1920s, approximately 20 million Americans took advantage of post-war prosperity by purchasing shares of stock in various securities exchanges. When the stock market crashed in 1929, the fortunes of many investors were lost. In addition, banks lost great sums of money in the Crash because they had invested heavily in the markets. When people feared their banks might not be able to pay back the money that depositors had in their accounts, a â€Å"run† on the banking system caused many bank failures. After the crash, public confidence in the market and the economy fell sharply. In response, Congress held hearings to identify the problems and look for solutions; the answer was found in the new SEC. The Commission was established in 1934 to enforce new securities laws that were passed with the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The two new laws stated that â€Å"Companies publicly offering securities must tell the public the truth about thei r businesses, the securities they are selling and the risks involved in the investing.† Secondly, â€Å"People who sell and trade securities must treat investors fairly and honestly, putting investors’ interests first.†2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Franklin Delano Roosevelt defeated Herbert Hoover in a landslide in the 1932 election and began to work on his â€Å"New Deal†. In the New Deal four key regulatory bodies were established: The National Labor Relations Board, Civil Aeronautics Authority, Federal Communications Commission, and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Wall Street was not enamored with the coming regulation, but Congress was confident that the Street was seen as an easy target for the Crash and the Depression that followed. In response, the SEC was created by Congress on June 6, 1934 for the purpose of protecting the public and the individual investors against malpractice in the financial markets. Commenting on the creation of the SEC, Texas Congressman and future Speaker Sam Rayburn admitted3 â€Å"he didn’t know whether the legislation passed so readily because it was so good or so incomprehensible.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Organisational Citizenship Behaviour and Counterproductive Work Behaviour Essay

Organisational behaviour is the study of human behaviour in the workplace, the interaction between people and the organisation, and organisation itself (Dubrin 2002, p. 2). In most of the organisational behaviour literature review, the following five types of behaviours are often highlighted- task performance, organisational citizenship, counterproductive work behaviours, joining and staying with the organisation and work attendance (McShane, Olekalns & Travaglione, 2009). These individual-level dependent variables are present in most OB research which has a significant impact on the effectiveness of organisations. In my following essay, I will be highlighting on two of the above factors-mainly Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and Counterproductive Work Behaviour (CWB). I will be discussing on how various authors agree that different personalities and positive affectivity levels contributes to the emergence of OCB and that how different authors view the stand of considering all OCB as voluntary acts based on own accord. In addition, I will also be discussing the issue in which a consensus has been reached by most authors that job dissatisfaction is one contributing factor of CWB and that CWB, being defined as harmful in nature, has been challenged by some authors to be a justifiable act. OCB Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) has been defined as individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization (Organ, cited in Vigoda-Gadot, 2006, p. 3) or as individual behavior that promotes the goals of the organization by contributing to its social and psychological environment (Organ; Rotundo & Sackett, cited in Vigoda-Gadot, 2006, p. 3). Personality and Positive Affectivity Personality refers to the enduring, inner characteristics of individuals that organise their behaviour (Derlega et al, cited in Rothmann & Cooper, 2008, p. 24) and personality traits predict what a person will do as opposed to what he or she can do (Rothmann & Cooper 2008, p. 24). As such, it is agreed that citizenship performance is well predicted by personality variables (Penner, Allen, & Motowidlo, 2001; Hurtz & Donovan, cited in Barrick & Ryan 2003). It is also stated that differences in citizenship performance by the employees are clearly tied to the differences in their personalities and attitudes (Landy & Conte 2004) and feelings about their work, also known as affects (Lee & Allen 2002). I came across this survey done by (Bierhoff, Klein & Kramp, ed. Murphy 1996) in which ‘first aiders’ who rushed to the aid of the accident victims almost immediately scored lower on a measure of egocentrism- the absorption with one self’s lives and family. They also scored higher on a measure of empathy in which they expressed a greater level of concern for others (ed. Murphy 1996). From the above results, I feel that various personality factors do influence the tendency of one to render help to others thereby performing citizenship performance which benefits the organisation as a whole. In addition to the above, I have learnt that the higher the level of positive affect, the higher the level of willingness to help is in individuals (ed. Murphy 1996). Besides the helping behaviour, I have also learnt that maintaining a positive mood in the course of our work may also inadvertently lead us to performing extra role behaviours (e.g.: protecting the organisation and developing oneself in terms of upgrading one’s skills to the benefit of the organisation) (George and Brief, cited in Lee & Allen, 2002). To my surprise, I found that positive affect is not just influenced on a personal level but also due to external environmental factors. These include the differences in shades of lightings at our workplaces (Baron et al, cited in ed. Murphy 1996) and even presence of pleasant smelling artificial fragrances in our workplaces (Baron & Bronfen 1994, cited in ed. Murphy 1996). Performed based on free will? Most of the recent studies and researches on OCB have pointed out that it is based on voluntary helping behaviours. However, (Vigoda-Gadot E 2006, p. 1 ) pointed out on focusing on the exploitative and abusive tendency of supervisors and managements to impose so-called ‘‘voluntary’’ or ‘‘extra-role† activities via compulsory mechanisms in the workplace, thereby refuting the conventional definition of OCB being performed based on ‘good will’ and free choice. In fact, some of these behaviours categorised under OCB may well be categorised under Compulsory Citizenship Behavior (CCB) (Vigoda-Gadot 2006, p. 1). By reviewing the Expectancy Theory (Griffin & Ebert 2005, p. 246) in which people are motivated to work towards rewards that they want and that they believe they have a reasonable chance or expectancy of obtaining it in mind, I have actually agreed with the view that there is much possibility that OCB can also arise from other motives, some of them less voluntary or less self-initiated. Among these motivations are the abusive and exploitative behavior of immediate supervisors and the pressure by management or peers to become involved in activities in which the employee would otherwise not involve himself (Tepper, cited in Vigoda-Gadot 2006, p. 3). CWB Counterproductive Work Behaviours (CWB) is defined as voluntary behaviours that have the potential to directly or indirectly harm the organisation (McShane, Olekalns & Travaglione T, 2009, p. 18). Job Dissatisfaction Job dissatisfaction is defined as a set of unfavourable feelings and emotions with which employees view their work (Newstrom & Davis 1997, p. 255). It seems that authors have a consensus on job dissatisfaction contributing to the emergence and high levels of CWB. It is stated that dissatisfied employees may engage in psychological withdrawal (e.g.: daydreaming during job), physical withdrawal (eg: unauthorized absence, early departures, extended breaks, work slowdowns) or even overt acts of aggression and retaliation for presumed wrong. There are many factors influencing job dissatisfaction which includes organisational factors like pay and promotion opportunities and the working condition itself. Group factors like the role of supervisor and co-workers; personal factors like needs and aspiration and how are these met, and how individuals views he instrumental benefits of the job also contributes to job dissatisfaction( Rothmann & Cooper 2008, p. 24). Though I am in agreement that job dissatisfaction is a strong contributor to the performance of CWB, I feel that CWB may also be induced by other factors like accumulated work stress leading to the emergence of violence which is one form of CWB. Similarly, theft cases in the company, which is another form of CWB, may just be a personal justification of the employees due to a perception of lost equity in the course of their work (Newstrom & Davis 1997). Justifiable Act Various authors held on to their individual stands regarding the topic on CWB. In most of my readings, authors agreed that CWB are actually harmful acts towards either individuals or towards the organisation itself. However, (Fox 2002) had presented a different point of view discussing the view that CWB may could well be a justifiable act which is clearly challenging the most conventional definition of CWB which is being negative in nature. (Fox 2002, p. 2) expanded the definition of CWB to include unintentional harm, as long as the act itself is volitional- an act which is motivated by other reasons to cause harm. Hence with this expanded definition, it raises the possibility of constructive CWB. In their article, they have considered on 3 categories of arguments which are moral issues, role conflicts and productivity arguments. I personally feel strongly for the argument on role conflicts. Many of the withdrawal behaviours may be seen as counterproductive in the perspective of managers or even organisations. However, these behaviours shown may be required to be fulfilled by the employees in the perspectives of their family and even the community. Putting in simpler terms, employees may be expected by the society to perform these behaviours so as to be able to strike a work-life balance. Hence, I feel that CWB should not be seen as just a negative behaviour which is purely deviant from an organisation’s objectives as I strongly feel for the presence of positive CWB. Key Findings In this modern age, to adapt and survive in a workplace, other than equipping oneself with the generic skill of problem solving, it is also vital to place great importance on understanding fellow colleagues as this will lead to self knowledge and self insight (Dubrin 2002, p. 4). By understanding what motivates others to perform OCB through the study of organisational behaviour, it will also in turn allow employees to gain an understanding on what motivates them to have similar behaviours. Inadvertently, this may bring them to a greater level of job satisfaction which also leads to greater organisational effectiveness as a whole. In addition, studying organisational behaviours enhances a professional or manager’s effectiveness relating to their interpersonal skills. Hence, if solid interpersonal skills are added on to one’s professional or managerial knowledge, it will certainly be a bonus towards an organisation’s overall service and productivity. Hence, information about organisational behaviours is vital to be known to the employees in organisations. Reflection If I were given a chance to assume the role of manager in an organisation, the notion of having OCB being induced by compulsion as mentioned earlier on will certainly be omitted by me as I feel that though it is an important goal of managers everywhere to make employees aware of the benefits of OCB and ideally, encourage it, it is far more important to conduct it through a legitimate way and not by other means such as abusive or exploitative activities. In this way, I believe conventional OCB will indeed be truly promoted as the employees will be serving and going the extra mile for the organisation in the most genuine way as I agree with the view that a person who engages in OCB might receive appreciation and recognition that induce positive moods and there will be a greater likelihood of repeating the OCB (Miles et al, cited in Zirgham 2009, p. 85) which will greatly benefit the organisation. A discrepancy often exists among managers and employees about the definition of certain work tasks being â€Å"in-role† or â€Å"extra-role†. Each behaviour may be different for different people as every employee in an organization perceives job requirements differently (e.g.: for service sectors), helping others may be a routine, but some may see it as beyond their job scope. By acknowledging this in the position of an employee, I will be able to anticipate this possible occurrence of conflict between managers and employees and thus, expand the boundaries for the definition of my job scope. In this way, I believe that my chances of managerial exploitation and workplace abuse by supervisors to perform compulsive OCB will be reduced to the minimum. Conclusion OCB is a stable behaviour emerging in workplaces and it will always act as a value adding criterion in one’s performance. However, it will only act as a value adding criterion only when it is performed through the free choice of employees and not by coercion means and negative external pressures. Thus, we have to be aware and alert so as to preserve the original positive results of OCB being performed, leading to a more successful and healthy establishment of an organisation. CWB is always seen as a conduct having an adverse relationship with OCB. However, as the saying goes- there are always two sides to the same coin; we should probably broaden our perspectives in our view towards CWB and accept the notion that CWB may not be necessary all detrimental in nature.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Blister Beetles, Family Meloidae

Blister Beetles, Family Meloidae Few North American species of blister beetles will actually cause blisters, but its still smart to be cautious when handling members of the beetle family Meloidae. Theres some debate over whether blister beetles are pests (because the adults feed on many agricultural crops and can be hazardous to livestock), or beneficial predators (because the larvae ​consume the young of other crop-eating insects, like grasshoppers). Description Blister beetles look superficially similar to members of some other beetle families, such as the soldier beetles and darkling beetles. Blister beetles, however, do have some unique features that will help you identify them. Their elytra appear leathery and soft, rather than rigid, and the forewings wrap around the sides of the beetles abdomen. The blister beetles pronotum is usually cylindrical or rounded, and narrower than both the head and the base of the elytra. Most adult blister beetles are medium in size, although the smallest species measures just a few millimeters in length and the largest can reach 7 centimeters long. Their bodies are generally elongate in shape, and their antennae will be either filiform or monofiliform. While many are dark or drab in color, particularly in the eastern U.S., some do come in bright, aposematic colors. Look for blister beetles on flowers or foliage. Classification Kingdom – AnimaliaPhylum – ArthropodaClass – InsectaOrder – ColeopteraFamily - Meloidae Diet Adult blister beetles feed on plants, particularly those in the legume, aster, and nightshade families. Although rarely considered a major crop pest, blister beetles do sometimes form large feeding aggregations in plants. Many blister beetles consume the flowers of their host plants, while some feed on the foliage. Blister beetle larvae have unusual feeding habits. Some species specialize in eating grasshopper eggs, and for this reason, are considered beneficial insects. Other blister beetle larvae eat the larvae and provisions of ground-nesting bees. In these species, the first instar larvae may hitch a ride on an adult bee as it flies back to its nest, and then settle in to eat the bees offspring. Life Cycle Blister beetles undergo complete metamorphosis, like all beetles, but in a somewhat unusual way. The first instar larvae (called triungulins) usually have functional legs, well-developed antennae, and are quite active. These young larvae need to move because they are parasitoids and must find their hosts. Once theyre settled in with their host (such as in a bee nest), each successive stage is typically less active, and the legs gradually diminish or even disappear. This larval development is referred to as hypermetamorphosis. The final instar is a pseudopupa stage, during which the beetle will overwinter. Depending on the species and environmental conditions, the blister beetle life cycle may last as long as three years. Most species will complete a full life cycle within one year, however. Special Behaviors and Defenses Blister beetles are usually soft-bodied and may seem vulnerable to predators, but they arent defenseless. Their bodies produce a caustic chemical called cantharidin, which they exude from their leg joints when threatened (a defensive strategy called reflex bleeding). Meloid species with high levels of cantharidin can cause skin blisters when handled, giving these beetles their common name. Cantharidin is an effective repellent for ants and other predators but can be extremely toxic if ingested by people or animals. Horses are particularly susceptible to cantharidin poisoning, which can occur if their hay feed is contaminated with blister beetle remains. Range and Distribution Blister beetles are most diverse in arid or semi-arid regions of the world, though widely distributed. Globally, blister beetle species number close to 4,000. In the U.S. and Canada, there are just over 400 documented blister beetle species. Sources: Borror and DeLongs Introduction to the Study of Insects, 7th edition, by Charles A. Triplehorn and Norman F. Johnson.Bugs Rule! An Introduction to the World of Insects, by Whitney Cranshaw and Richard Redak.Beetles of Eastern North America, by Arthur V. Evans.Family Meloidae – Blister Beetles, Accessed online January 14, 2016.Blister beetle, Texas AM University Department of Entomology website. Accessed online January 14, 2016.Blister Beetles: Pest or Beneficial Predator?, Washington State University Fact Sheet (PDF). Accessed online January 14, 2016.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Killing Free Leadership Essay Example James Burke

Killing Free Leadership Essay Example James Burke James Burke as a Leader: Leadership Essay Example Many consider James Burke to be one of the most brilliant leaders CEOs of all times. His unique leadership style and combination of strong and extraordinary features of personality helped him to gain the respect and homage as well as the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Indeed, James Burke is an outstanding figure in the history of the American commerce. He serves as a striking example of a true leader who remained dedicated and devoted to his work till the end of the life. James E. Burke was born in 1925, in Rutland, Vermont. Though the small city, where he used to live, offered a few opportunities to develop, it did not prevent J. Burke from obtaining success and reaching high achievement in both private and public sector. During the World War II, J. Burke served in the US Navy and took part in the military operations. It was the first time when he demonstrated his leading qualities, high degree of discipline, and patience. Later, these qualities became crucial in his career life. Soon after the war, James Burke graduated the college of Holy Cross and Harvard Business School, in 1949. Good education was the other key point of success, which defined Burke career and outstanding leadership. It helped him to become more confident in own abilities and comprehend the things more sophisticatedly.Burke started his career at Johnson Johnson in 1953 as a product director. There he spent more than 35 years of his life, being promoted to a president, chairman, and then CEO. The years marked by J. E. Burkes management were noticeably prosperous and successful for Johnson Johnson Company. The reports show that the company managed to increase its sales dramatically (almost fivefold), triple its market capitalization, and extend its activities all over the globe. At the same time, the quantitative achievements were closely combined with the qualitative ones. Thereby, Johnson Johnson used to orient on the customers needs and requirements, introduce innovations, and emphasize on the global standards of high quality. The name of James Burke became well-known after the Tylenol poisonings in 1982 and 1986. At that time, he was already the leader of the company, who demonstrated unappalled openness, decisiveness, and determinacy in solving the problem. Thus, J. Burke ordered to send 450.000 messages to warn the people about danger and demanded to remove all products, containing Tylenol, from the shelves. Obviously, such unpopular measures could have become crucial for the company and could have led it to the complete bankruptcy. Nevertheless, foresight, prudence and providence of J. E. Burke helped to avoid the tragedy and failure of the company at once. People will always remember J. Burke for his devotion and quick response. After this incident, his leading qualities left no doubts or questions. James E. Burke also was a chairman of the non-profit organization known as Partnership for a Drug-Free America. After the retirement from Johnson Johnson, he did not give up his humanistic ideas and the desire to help the whole humanity. The aim of this organization was to spread the advertisement about the harmfulness of drugs and the importance to form a healthy nation. Burke took a direct part in this campaign, sending plenty of messages and involving media into the revelation of this issue. It is said that the Partnership for a Drug-Free America faced incomparable success under the leadership of J. E. Burke and became one of the most effective organizations at that time. Generally, James Burke left a great step in the American history. His contributions to the success of Johnson Johnson as well as to the well-being of the whole nation are exceptional and second to none. The fact he was awarded with the Presidential Medal of freedom witnesses one more time about his unique possibilities and leading qualities. In my opinion, his unsurpassed success and career growth can be explained by the combination of the individual traits. Many people describe his leading style as acumen, dedicated, passionate, warn, sympathetic, forward-thinking, and socially-oriented. James Burke appreciated justice and fairness above all. Moreover, he paid great attention to the social well-being and health of the nation. That is why he treated the Tylenol tragedies so precisely and tried to prevent them as soon as possible. The other peculiarity of J. Burke is his orientation on the result, rather than on profits or incomes. Sometimes, he introduced unpopular innovations, which were unlikely to bring any earnings. Despite of this, his confidence and farsightedness helped him to avoid the failures and improve the commercial position of Johnson Johnson. Obviously, there were some mistakes in his career. For example, in 1979, he decided to acquire new technical scan and ultrasound equipment. These steps presupposed to expand the target audience and facilitate the methods of medical examination. However, this project happened to be completely unsuccessful and unprofitable for the company. After this incident, J. Burke admitted that it was useless to deal with the things one was not acquainted with. Interestingly, he did not try to make any excuses, but just continued to improve the situation and think over new projects. It witnesses about his determinacy, persistence, and the desire to move forward. To sum up, the unsurpassed leading style of James E. Burke is the result of his individual qualities, personal attitudes toward work and society, and permanent self-improvement and self-development. His contributions to the prosperity of Johnson Johnson and Partnership for a Drug-Free America are difficult to overestimate. By nature, his name is a genuine synonym to successful leadership.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Case study for waste management Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

For waste management - Case Study Example Waste was collected in pits in many areas of the world so that the people could remain hygienic and also reduce the rate of mortality among the population. (Bilitewski, Hardtle and Marek, 1997, p. 1) Medical waste is mainly produced in hospitals where it is mostly considered infectious but in most cases not all of it is. The medical wastes include cultures and stocks of infectious agents; pathological wastes and also sharp objects such as needles and scalpels as well as body parts. (Brunner, 1996, p. 6) The amount of Medical waste generated in the world is difficult to tell since for example the amount of this waste that is generated in the US is not even known and the figure cannot even be estimated. Different reports estimate different figures based on how they calculate it. Most medical waste goes into the incinerators which are mainly used for pathological and infectious waste but this is a problem because the emissions from these incinerators are not managed, (Dutta, 2002, p. 259) The waste that is generated in the hospitals will need to be reduced through pretreatment which will help lower the quantity at the time for disposal. They will also need to be separated depending on their source and type to ease the process of managing it after that. Due to the increased cost of incineration in the recent years, non-incineration methods will greatly cut the cost of this form of disposal if they are employed. This will also reduce the emissions that come from these incinerators. Methods that are cost effective like autoclaving, chemical disinfection and compaction can be used towards this cause. Since incineration is the primary method for treating medical waste and this is likely to remain so, pollution control equipment that is more advanced should be included to be a standard part of the incinerator design. Major limitations

Friday, November 1, 2019

Supply chain management (reply to an answer) Case Study

Supply chain management (reply to an answer) - Case Study Example A few reasons such as maximizing economies of scale entails considerable business investment risks because it is not very fluid in terms of market response (Hugos 147). This system is also not suitable for industries that can change quickly on trends, like the apparel industry (Daspal 1). The converse of the push-concept is the pull-system modeled on Toyota which relies on actual customer demand and works backwards along the supply chain. However, this kind of system requires a near-perfect method of efficient logistics that has short production cycles; long lead times can be shortened by maximum efficiency along the supply chain. This is what computer giant Dell did, in contrast to the estimated losses suffered by Compaq when laptops were not available. This system is not speculative, in the sense it anticipates future customer demand, but is reactive which is more accurate in terms of meeting actual customer demand. I agree that supply chain efficiency is about minimizing inventory levels to reduce the risk of product obsolescence. However, there are additional benefits in using the Just-in-Time (JIT) concept pioneered by Toyota that can be implemented, such as lower working capital, a mass customization and postponement of demand (Coyle 661) that lowers costs to b enefit clients. Coyle, John J., Langley, John C., Gibson, Brian J., Novack, Robert A. and Edward J. Bardi. Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective. Mason, OH, USA: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2008.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Health Economics 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Health Economics 2 - Essay Example Both of these systems address problems being faced in health care financing. With limited financial resources, the rationalization process which is seen in the casemix and the P4P system largely supports quality health services for as many people and patients as possible. P4P system – The Government of Hong Kong (2008) defines it as a system is an internal resource allocation system for hospital funding. They also discuss that it is about strategic purchasing services most needed by the community (Government of Hong Kong, 2008). Casemix system – Based on the Government of Hong Kong (2008), this system is an activity-based funding system where the provider is paid for each case which is treated, and adjustments are made based on the complexity of the case using pre-set classifications. Diagnosis-related groups – Diagnosis-related groups or DRGs are â€Å"based on the principle that diagnosis and other patient characteristics can be categorized in terms of the total quantity of resources used in treating patients† (Government of Hong Kong, 2008, p. 4) Health care systems for countries differ greatly from each other. The differences often depend on the system of government and social services existing in each country. Some countries are based on a socialist system where the health care system is dependent on the government’s support. In other countries, the citizens themselves have to cover for their health care with hardly any assistance from the government at all. Nevertheless, the point is proven that health care systems are different based on each country’s health applications. This paper shall compare the hospital funding system in Hong Kong known as the P4P system with the casemix funding systems in Victoria and New South Wales, Australia. It shall draw specific examples within the chosen health care system in order to

Monday, October 28, 2019

The video game console wars Essay Example for Free

The video game console wars Essay 1. Compare and contrast Nintendo’s marketing strategy for the Wii with Sony’s strategy for PS3. By the end of 2006, two game console industry giants, Nintendo and Sony had launched their respective new products; the Wii and PS3. Various marketing strategies were implemented by both rivals and this writing attempt to analyse common and differing elements. Similarly, both companies had a product differentiation strategy, with the aim of being distinctly set apart from their competitors by the viewing market. However, different elements of this strategy were focused on by the firms. For instance, Nintendo differentiated via product form and design. Instead of the traditional controller where buttons are pressed, the Wii had a wireless motion-sensitive controller, which recognises the player’s arm movements. Thus, actions such as golfing, tennis and even dancing can be detected by the game. It is assumed that the rationale behind this is the fact that â€Å"new things and ways of doing things† always grab attention, whether good or bad. Thus, Nintendo’s aim would have been to gain the market’s attention and then convince them positively about the Wii. Conversely, Sony attempted to differentiate through performance quality. Heavy investment was made on a new processing chip and a laser diode, which would rev up the speed drastically and offer superior graphics quality. The video gaming industry prides itself on graphics; hence differentiating in this area may significantly increase demand. One believes however, that Nintendo’s product differentiation strategy had a stronger impact than Sony’s. This is because Sony followed the industry norm, of each new generation of machines being faster and more powerful than the preceding generation, as the case states. Thus, the market was already expecting the enhanced features, compared to the curiosity of a completely new game design by the Wii. With reference to the Ansoff Matrix framework, Nintendo implemented a marketing diversification strategy, whereby they offered a new product to new markets (in terms of untouched customer segments). Nintendo’s designers, according to the case, deliberately developed a machine that is simpler to use, since the complexity of current games appeal only to advance gamers. This thus, would allow market reach to a broader demographic of new segments, thereby beginning to challenge Sony’s market share dominance. For instance, males and female above and below the common age bracket of video game players may now demand the Wii. On the other hand, Sony implemented a product development strategy, by launching a new product in their existing market segment of customers, as the Ansoff theory advocates. Hence, Sony’s PS3 targeted their current customer segment for the PS2. A marketing strategy of Sony may have been to have first mover advantage, by launching in November 2006 in the United States before the Wii. Most studies indicate that the market pioneer gains the greatest advantage, however sometimes it can be risky and expensive. In Sony’s case, they would have easily been able to capitalise on the fans of the playstation and PS2 and new customers entering that market. Their downfall however was inadequate launch preparation and planning with regards to their diode technology, as mass production issues caused shortages. Thus, achieving the Christmas season’s full revenue potential was lost. Even though Nintendo was the second mover launching a month after in December, they had an international marketing launch strategy being executed. They made the Wii available in the United States, the Eurozone and United Kingdom. As a result, the benefits of being the first mover would have been gained in the Eurozone and United Kingdom. It is noted that Sony launched the PS3 four months after in Europe. Being the second to enter that market, Sony may have researched any problems Nintendo may have encountered and adjusted accordingly, for a smoother launch. Nintendo appears to have implemented a market-penetration pricing strategy. The Wii at a cost of $250 is 50% less than the 20-gigabyte PS3 (smaller hard drive machine). At this lower price, it is easier for the product to penetrate the market due to affordability in most segments. This aligns with the assumed company’s aim of maximising market share in the current and new segments. To achieve this, Nintendo ensured that the Wii was less costly to manufacture. Moreover, a higher sales volume may lead to lower unit costs and higher long run profits. Conversely, Sony is believed to have a market-skimming pricing strategy. The company invested $2 billion in technology, so this strategy aims at recovering the maximum amount of revenue to cover the high costs incurred in the early stages of the product life cycle. Additionally, Sony has a strong brand due to the success of their previous machines (PS2 and playstation) and the high price assists in communicating the image of a superior product with quality. 2. What is the key to the Wii’s popularity? The key facet responsible for the Wii’s popularity lies in the innovative design, which â€Å"calls to action† the player with physical movement. The writer views the wireless motion sensitive game console as a new, simple and fun method of gaming for all age groups. As a result, it may appeal not only to the traditional expert video game player like the PS3, but other individuals outside that segment. It thus makes marketing sense, if Nintendo promoted the game as a family requirement for cultivating an enjoyable, quality family time with members. It seems also a great game for various informal social events. Furthermore, since different types of games can be played, the Wii has the potential to appeal to a vast number of different market segments. For instance, The Wii Fit is an exercising game, where aerobics, yoga and other body strengthening activities can be done. Thus, the Wii Fit may have been positioned as a convenient way of losing or maintaining your weight, as it can be done in the comfort of one’s home and a more enjoyable method compared to simply following an instructor on a DVD. Likewise, sports fanatics may gravitate towards the Wii sports for the games of their interest. There also is the possibility of the Wii being used for rehabilitation after a stroke or injury, due to it body strengthen capabilities. It must be noted, that Nintendo’s international marketing strategy of launching in three distinct major areas, was a contributing factor towards the quick popularity gained. The areas were the United States, the Eurozone and the United Kingdom. This means that great strategic marketing focus had to be made on the different areas, to accommodate international cultural differences and legalities. As a result, Nintendo may have had to implement global product strategies for market adaptation in areas such as price, sales promotion, colours, labelling and advertising execution, to name a few. 3. Do you agree with Sony’s decision to incorporate a Blu-ray DVD player in the PS3. The writer agrees with the decision to incorporate a Blu-ray DVD player in the PS3. Firstly, Sony is considered one of the market leaders in the consumer electric industry; where the brand is known for high quality and advance technology. Since the consumer market started demanding more high definition TVs and viewing of DVD’s in high definition, it made good marketing sense to satisfy that need for high definition imagery in the video games, which ultimately reinforced the company’s brand. A â€Å"spin off† from this implementation of Blu-ray, is that the PS3 can actually be used by consumers to watch Blu-ray DVD movies, for those who may not own a Blu-ray DVD player. Thus, the value of the PS3 may increase, due to more product uses than the main function. Secondly, it was wise for Sony to include the Blu-ray DVD player in the PS3, due to their current product range developments. Sony had already launched the Blu-ray video format in their DVD players, thus the inclusion in the PS3 was a commendable and necessary marketing move, in order to keep as many products in the range up to date with the latest technological advancements. More importantly, this was a medium to push and promote the adoption of the Blu-ray in the market, reflecting strong strategic planning for profit maximisation. The draw back to the implementation however, was the issue of mass-production difficulties of the diode for the Blu-ray, resulting in shortages for the U. S holiday launch, as the case explains. Thus, it is assumed that there was a deficiency in proper operational planning and execution. This can be a critical concern with new product planning, since shortages can greatly impact forecasted revenue streams and significant opportunities may be lost. In Sony’s situation, the launch was around the Christmas season, where many PS3s may have been gift considerations and individuals generally spend more on commodities at this time, due to Christmas bonuses and advances. Thus, Sony would not have been able to capitalise on this, due to low supply of machines. In the final analysis however, if Sony had anticipated any production issues to cause marginal temporary shortages at the launch, one is of the opinion that this is not drastic a problem enough, to decide forgoing the implementation of the Blu-ray. This is because consideration is given to the return on investment with the Blu-ray inclusion and the technological drive in the industry at large. The Blu-ray would have generated greater demand than the HD-DVD and take longer to become obsolete, thus having an extended life-span. 4. Some industry observers have noted that the battle between HD-DVD and Blu-ray is reminiscent of the showdown between Beta and VHS videocassette formats in the 1970s. What was the outcome? The videocassette showdown between Beta and VHS in the 1970’s mainly was a clear example of â€Å"listening and responding† to what the market wants. It began when Sony produced Bata, a video standard which had a recording time of 60 minutes. Almost one year later, JVC launched the VHS, which is another video standard that had a recording time of 120 minutes. The two videocassettes were different in size and completely incompatible. The VHS was cheaper than Beta; however the longer the recording time resulted in a degraded quality of image. The market nevertheless, wanted a longer recording time, which allowed for longer movies and football matched to be recorded. Sony held their end for more years supplying the more upscale market with the 60 minute high quality videocassettes, but eventually in the mid 80’s they had to offer videocassettes with a longer recording time to remain competitive. By then however it was too late and VHS already held dominance in the market. VHS won the battle and in 2002 the last Beta machine was produced. Sony’s mistake was not listening to what the market wants and not willing to compromise the quality to satisfy the market. The battle between HD-DVD and Blu-ray is quite similar, however this time Sony is not the defender, but the challenger. To forecast who the winner may be, the same underlying factor exists, regarding listening to the market and responding. The case explains of the continuous electronic industry’s upgrade towards high definition TVs and DVD movies. Thus, one can assume that consumers want a player which provides the greatest quality of high definition. A common element between HD-DVD and Blu-ray is that they have 1080 lines of resolution (the highest quality video playback possible) on their widescreen HDTV set, as the case shows. Thus, consumers are going to look for other factors which can determine which player provides better quality. Firstly, the fact that Sony’s Blu-ray technology is incompatible with Toshiba (assuming other rival products as well) and can only be used on Sony products, signals that Sony is trying to maintain a type of niche market, which in essence aims at guaranteeing that using Blu-ray technology on Sony products will produce the best quality. This is similar to what Apple does with their range of products. Secondly, over the years Sony has positioned and built their brand to represent â€Å"high quality† and thus brand loyalty is strong among customers in the electronic industry. Lastly, price sends market signals and the common understanding is that high price tends to reflect high quality. The case states that Sony BDP-S1 and S300 cost $999. 99 and $600 respectively, compared to Toshiba’s models ranging from $399. 99 to $799. 99. Thus the higher price of Sony can be assumed to have better quality. Conclusively, HD-DVD and Blu-ray battle is almost mirrored in Beta and VHS rivalry. VHS won the battle since they satisfied the market’s demand for longer recording time with the videocassette. With HD-DVD and Blu-ray, the market is assumed to want high quality on their high definition widescreen HDTVs. The writer believes that Sony with their Blu-ray technology would win the battle, given that they can reflect a better level of quality over Toshiba, through â€Å"non-1080 lines of resolution† factors. CITATION Czinkota, Michael, and Ilkka Ronkainen. International Marketing . Thomson South-Western, 2007. Harvey, Nathan, and Louise Ada. 2012. Suitability of Nintendo Wii Balance Board for rehabilitation of standing after stroke. Physical Therapy Reviews 17, no. 5: 311-321 Kotler, Philip, and Kevin Keller. Marketing Management. Pearson Education Limited, 2012.