Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay about Rise in Prison Gangs in Canada - 988 Words

Rise in Prison Gangs Fueling Violence, Drug Trade – Canada – CBC News The article presented on this paper reveals the problem of gangs and gang related violence in our nation’s institutions. Corrections Canada has seen a 44 per cent jump in gang members in federal prisons in the last five years, to 2,040 in 2012 from 1,421 in 2007, according to the documents obtained under access to information. The correctional service constructed a strategic framework for dealing with gangs in 2006, and implemented its gang management strategy in 2008, aiming to convince inmates to drop their affiliation and limit security risks. Gang numbers have continued to rise, according to one correctional service management document. It raises a number of†¦show more content†¦Gang members in institutions recruit heavily and forge alliances to strengthen their power base and influence within the prison. Candice Bergen, the parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Public Safety, has stated the government’s â€Å"tough-on-crime† legislation has taken more gang members off the streets and put them behind bars. â€Å"We have good programs that are in place, but it’s a continual challenge,† she told host Evan Solomon. â€Å"There is some relief that at least these individuals are not on the street. If they’re going to be involved in illegal activity, it’s better that they’re in prison and we can deal with them in a very controlled setting.† Bergen disregarded links between double-bunking and overcrowded conditions with violence and other issues behind bars. However, NDP Public Safety critic Randall Garrison believes overcrowding alongside fewer programs and rehabilitation increases violence and fuels gang affiliation. â€Å"There’s that old saying about idle hands and the devil’s work,† he said. â€Å"I think this actually helps to fuel that spike in gang activity. People aren’t getting the programming and treatment they need in prisons and they turn to other things.† Liberal MP Wayne Easter said Conservative policies have turned a correctional system that once focused on rehabilitation and making people better citizens into a â€Å"warehouse for making better criminals.† â€Å"I think we’re going the way of the Americans†, he said. Correctional InvestigatorShow MoreRelatedGang Violence : Effects On Recidivism Through Rehabilitation Programs1533 Words   |  7 Pages Gang violence: Effects on recidivism through rehabilitation programs The Problem In recent discussions of gang violence in prison, a controversial issue has been whether programs can lower recidivism rates. On the one hand, some argue that Gang violence can not be deterred from this perspective, it is understandable to see where society could see how gangs could be a lost cause. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Mt460 Management Policy and Strategy - 1468 Words

Unit 5: 28 Case Study Analyses Kaplan University School of Business and Management MT460 Management Policy and Strategy Author: Linda Alvarez Professor: Dr. Marian Leerburger Date: April, 2, 2012 Introduction Whole Foods was established in 1980 with one store in Austin, Texas. Today, Whole Foods is the world’s largest leader in natural and organic foods. There are over 310 stores in North America and the United Kingdom. Whole Foods is committed to the finest natural and organic foods available, sustainable agriculture and have one of the strictest of quality standards. Whole Foods offers customers a wide variety of products. â€Å"Natural† refers to food that is free of growth hormones or antibiotics, where â€Å"certificated†¦show more content†¦The application also asks about raising practices, transportation of animals, slaughterhouse procedures, and conditions at the meat processing plants. The Whole Foods Market visits farms and ranches and sends independent, third-party auditors to check that the conditions described by the supplier are accurate. Once the suppliers are on board Whole Foods continues to monitor each supplier with annual audits. The customers buy from Whole Foods because they know how extensive the organic food products are and how strict the safety procedures are at Whole Foods. The supplier must also meet the criteria of slaughterhouses and meat processing plans. There are also food safety audits of the facilities which check the bacteria levels, safe equipment, the meat is processed through required sanitation baths and that the temperature logs are updated. Implementation Whole Foods will need to research and figure out marketing strategies to keep the customers loyal to Whole Foods. One of the main reasons customers will go to different supermarkets that have organic foods is because of the different department stores inside the grocery market. For instance, some grocery stores sell organic vegetables, but also have regular vegetables. Some of the larger grocery stores have banks, photo stores, insurance companies that make your stop at the larger grocery storeShow MoreRelatedWhy Strategy Is Important to Business1295 Words   |  6 PagesWhy Strategy is Important to Business Linda Ann Gonzales March 7, 2012 Management Policy and Strategy: MT460-03 1201B Unit 2 Abstract This project is about why it is important to apply the strategic management process to business and at the same time will be discussing the importance of strategy for business. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Mkt week Free Essays

Do you agree with Virgin’s market diversification strategy? If so, what other markets should they pursue? If you disagree, what should be their business focus? Diversification is most commonly understood through the financial world, where one should have a diverse range of investments. Mixing funds that are countercyclical – the performance of certain funds is not correlated to the performance of others. Usually when one set of funds are down, the value of another set of funds is up. We will write a custom essay sample on Mkt week or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is where companies like the Virgin Group have adopted this kind of strategy to diversify their product line. Dixon (2009) explains what when building a customer base, it is a good idea to begin cultivating multiple customers in different industries. Then, this approach is modified to include target markets that have the countercyclical method that has been proven to work in the financial field. After targeting diverse groups of customers, companies (like the Virgin Group) should then engage in â€Å"aggressive marketing and sales efforts to win new customers in the targeted markets† (Dixon, 2009). In order for Virgin to pursue other markets they should 1) gain clear understanding of the wants and needs of perspective customers ND markets, and 2) show that they have a unique capability for meeting these requirements (Dixon, 2009). I believe the Virgin Group should get involved with renewable energy projects, even on small scale targeting consumers. Sustainability and being green are hot topics right now that consumers like to get behind. Since they have so much information already on current electronics customers, they can use this to target items like solar chargers or recycled material packaging for electronic items. 2. How about some other examples of companies that have built their value proposition around the image variable? Other companies that have been successful are for example Apple, who undoubtedly has created value to its customers who are very loyal to the brand. Customers recognize the â€Å"bitten apple† image across the spectrum and identify it with quality. BMW and Mercedes Benz are other companies that have used their image to build value for customers. Whenever anyone thinks of these two brands, they immediately think luxury and high end/high quality vehicles. How to cite Mkt week, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Enterprise Development in Competitive Environments †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Enterprise Development in Competitive Environments. Answer: Introduction: The latest issue of Wall Street Journal has presented a News Article about Tesla building a factory in China. The electric-car maker Tesla has agreed to set up a factory in shanghai which is a strategic decision of the organization. The present deal is a strategic decision for the organization as it will give access to the company to the growing electric vehicle market of China. The present arrangement will be focused to build a wholly owned subsidiary which will slash the production cost of the organization. However, China will lose the import tariff by 25%. The organization will get benefit from the largest electric vehicle market of the world. The Chinese government will target the sales of seven million electric vehicle cars by 2025. The strategic move of the company will reduce the production cost of the company by 33% as it can avoid the shipping cost and the import duties. Currently, the company is serving the niche market of luxury vehicles; however, the prices will be strate gically reduced with the action. As a result, the company can move beyond the luxury niche market in the country. This move has also strategically propelled the market value of the shares of Tesla by more than 50%. It has become the rival of General Motors Co., one of the largest automaker in the world. Last year, China circulated a proposal which will assist the electric-car makers to operate in the country without the need of the local partners. In this regard, the country has planned to introduce about ten free trading zones in the country. Till now, the foreign auto makers of the company have to make joint ventures with the local partners (Varbanova, 2013). The foreign companies can avoid 25% tariff on automobiles; however, they will split the profits and sharing of technology. The free-trade agreement will be able to leverage better access to Chinese market in the future. It is a strategic decision of the organization as it will expand the business operations of the organization in one of the major markets for the electric vehicle. It will reduce the excise duty of the organization and the company can reduce the production cost be 33%. Entering into the free trade zone in Chins will also establish cordial relationships with the Chinese government which will be beneficial for the organization while operating in the Chinese market. It is a strategic move at the functional level of the organization as the company will shift its manufacturing plant at a different location. The organization will be able to reduce the production cost as well as increase export tariff in the country. It can be assessed that the decision will be able to increase the demand of the product. The company can strategically reduce the cost of the product which will be beneficial for manufacturing the product at a large scale (Jeffs, 2008). The organization can reduce the cost of the product by 33% which will allow it to target the niche non-luxury market of the country. The proportion of middle-class customer segment is very high in comparison to the luxury market. Therefore, the sales of the product can be increased drastically by reducing the product price. Johnson Johnson is a medical devices, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods manufacturing company. The company was at the fourth position in the fortunes worlds most admired brands in 2010. The company dropped to number 13 at the fortunes list of 2017. There were a number of reasons which led to the decline of the organization in these years. The company suffered from a number of controversies, regarding the baby powder and vaginal mesh implants. It resulted in numerous law suits from the customers (Freeman, 2010). Other than that, creating an extremely diversified portfolio has also increased declined the image of the organization as several of the products of the organization are not at par in quality. Other than that, there are a large number of organizations which are present in both the list of 2010 as well as 2017. Some of the common names are Apple, Google (Alphabet) and Berkshire Hathaway. These organizations have remained among the top ten brands from 2010 to 2017. Apple has been a renowned brand from 2010 to 2017. It has sustained the top position due to its unique brand image. The organization has created a very strong brand identity and focuses a lot on the brand marketing. As a result, the craze for iPhones is same today as it was in the past years. Facebook is on the ninth number in the list of the most admired companies in 2017. Undoubtedly, the company has made a distinguished place for itself in the last year (Haberberg Reiple, 2008). Today, it has become a common household name and almost every person has a Facebook account. The company has given birth to the social media and used an innovative idea to build the worlds leading business. The organization was founded in 2004 and in a few years, it became the leading business organization across in the social media industry. Today, it ranks 2 in the social media industry. These selected companies operate in different domains; however, they are the most popular brands in the organization (Hiriyappa, 2013). Johnson Johnson is the leading and one of the largest business organization in the pharmaceuticals and the consumer product market. The core competency of the company is its brand image. Johnson Johnson is famous all across the globe for its innovative and unique consumer products. Other than that, the organization also has significant resources in financial and natural resources (Teece, 2008). The organization has an extensive research and development facility which has assisted the organization in creating innovative and unique products. These core competencies distinguish the company from its competitors. Firstly, the company has a very strong brand presence and global brand image. The business model of the organization is unique as it has achieved economy of scale with the help of its production facility. The marketing of the company is also unique and the company has created a unique marketing strategy which has assisted it in securing the top position in the market. Strengths Strong brand name Presence in more than 100 countries Loyal customer following Weakness Recent scandals Reduced customer trust Opportunities Market penetration as a large number of customers are avoiding the companys product due to a recent controversy The organization can also explore other industrial avenues as it has ample resources to enter into diversified fields Threats New competitors in the developing and the developed markets (Ginter, 2013) Competition from generic drugs manufactured by different companies. These drugs are comparatively cheaper in rate. Apple is the leading business organization in the smart-phone and other technical device manufacturing. The company has a combination of several core competencies. It is a very robust brand and the imitation of the products is very difficult. Another core competency is the capability of the organization to innovate constantly. It is considered as the most innovative company across the globe. It also has abundant financial resources which can be used for attaining the service of highly skilled persons. The company is also very consistent in its product portfolio development which has assisted in keeping its customers loyal. Strength Advertising skills which can increase the brand awareness and demand for the products of the company Extensive network of distribution channels Brand reputation Strong financial assets Weakness Dependence on a single product Incompatibility of the product with other operating systems Opportunities Adoption of new technologies such as virtual technology or Internet of Things Diversification to other products, such as health-related wearable (Swayne, Duncan , Ginter, 2012) Threats Intensification of the competition which has reduced the market share, revenue and the profits of the organization Lawsuits regarding intellectual property theft and patent infringement (Pynes Lombardi, 2011) Facebook is a social media networking site and one of the most common websites in the social media. It is the largest social media website and has over one billion users. The organization has over one million users and it is its core competency. No other organization would be able to shift this level of customer base to other social media website. Other than that ease of use, flexibility in the use of website and low-cost operations is the core competency of the organization. Over the years, the organization has built a strong brand image and customer base (Kotler, Shalowitz Stevens, 2011). It is really difficult for the any other organization to break the strong image of the organization. In the following section, SWOT analysis is conducted on the organization to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. Strengths It can be easily integrated with other websites and applications. It has more than one billion active users Excellent user experience Weaknesses Only one primary source of income Lack of concern for the user privacy Issue of website customization Opportunities Market penetration by increasing the number of users who access the device with the help of mobile phones Diversification of the revenue stream Expansion to other countries and markets (Wilson Gilligan, 2012) Threats Increasing the number of mobile internet users (Proctor, 2014) Users can other extensions. Slow revenue income from online advertising Identity issues In the present section, a hypothetical organization has been created which will sell smart phones to the customers. The organization will sell competitive smartphones which can compete with other leading business organizations in the same industry. The name of the organization will be Cherry Inc. and all the mobile phones will be named as Cherry phones. The company will be dedicated to sell low cost phones to different customers so that people from all income backgrounds can use smartphones with the advanced features. The mission of the organization is to make smartphones available to all people across the globe. The objectives of the organization is to inspire the world to create a better place for the future (Drummond, Ensor , Ashford, 2010). This vision of the organization will reflect the commitment of the organization to inspire the communities and use the key strength of the company such as technology, innovation capabilities and creative solutions to create new values for the organization. It will create new value for the different stakeholders such as industry, partners and employees of the organization and create a better world with rich experience (Ranchod, Marandi, 2007). The external environment has a strong impact on the operations and the functioning of the organization. The external environment of the organization is scanned with the help of PEST analysis. It evaluates that the political, economic, social and technological aspects of the external environment. There are regulations related to intellectual property and patent in the telecommunication industry. Other than that, there are certain other regulations related to bandwidth usage and allocation. It impacts on the overall performance of the telecommunication network. The smartphones must be designed such that it is compatible for different users of the organization. The economic factors also impact on the business operations of the organization. If the purchasing power of the customers is high than they will be able to purchase smart phones with best features. The organization can also attract investment from other companies if the financial conditions of the organization is good. Social factors impact significantly on the business operations of an organization. The interest of the customers and their preference is influenced by the social factors. The latest trends and the lifestyle factors influences on the choice of the customers. The preference of the customers influences on the choice of product and the brand. Therefore, it is important to identify the latest trends and choice of the customers and design products according to these factors. The technology is another factor which impacts on the manufacturing and the infrastructural development of the organization. The manufacturing facility of the organization is influenced by the transportation system and other technological infrastructure of the country (Egen Thomas, 2010). If the location has proper technology and infrastructure then the manufacturing process of the organization eases. The internal corporate environment plays a critical role in achieving the objectives of the organization as well as adapting to the future requirements of the organization. The strengths of the organization is its cost leadership and qualitative products. The organization is offering products at a comparatively low price to the customers. However, the quality of the product is not compromised. The organization produces smartphones which are high-quality in nature and are equipped with all the essential features. However, there are certain weaknesses of the organization too. Such as it is a new organization; therefore, the organization is not that much popular. It is important that the organization should focus on building the brand image of the organization. The business organization should focus on each of its customer so that the organization can build a strong reputation in a small duration. There are several opportunities for the organization in the developing countries, wherein the organization can expand its customer base. There are a large number of customers who want to switch to high-feature mobile phones or are eager to buy a new one. The company should target all these customers for expanding its market share. It can be identified that the organization has opportunity to expand the unexplored market and the price-sensitive customer segment. The organization can adopt cost leadership management strategy to attract the target customers towards the business organization. It can be concluded that the strategic management is important for the business organization for effective management of business. The strategic management is the process of designing the strategies for the future management of the organization. The management of the organization requires effective long-term strategies which can assure that the organization will operate properly in the future. In the present report, the top brands of the in 2010 and 2017 have been evaluated. In the report, the decline of the major brand Johnson Johnson has been examined. Other than that, the report has examined the sudden rise of the social networking site Facebook as one of the top ten brands in the world. References Fortune. (2010). Most Admired Brands 2010. Retrieved 25 October 2017 from https://archive.fort/ Higgins, T., Moss, T. (2017). Tesla Strikes Deal With Shanghai to Build Factory in China. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 25 October 2017 from Fortune. (2017). The worlds most admired brands 2017. Retrieved 25 October 2017 from Varbanova, L. (2013). Strategic Management in the Arts. Routledge. Jeffs, C. (2008). Strategic Management. SAGE. Freeman, R.E. (2010). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Cambridge University Press. Haberberg, A., Reiple, A. (2008). Strategic Management: Theory and Application. OUP Oxford. Hiriyappa, B. (2013). Strategic Management and Business Policy. Booktango. Teece, D.J. (2008). Technological Know-How, Organizational Capabilities, and Strategic Management: Business Strategy and Enterprise Development in Competitive Environments. World Scientific. Ginter, P.M. (2013). The Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations. John Wiley Sons. Swayne, L.E., Duncan, W.J., , Ginter, P.M. (2012). Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations. John Wiley Sons. Pynes, J.E., Lombardi, D.N. (2011). Human Resources Management for Health Care Organizations: A Strategic Approach. John Wiley Sons. Kotler, P., Shalowitz, J., Stevens, R.J. (2011). Strategic Marketing for Health Care Organizations: Building A Customer-Driven Health System. John Wiley Sons. Proctor, T. (2014). Strategic Marketing: An Introduction. Routledge. Wilson, R.M.S., Gilligan, C. (2012). Strategic Marketing Management. Routledge. Drummond, G, Ensor, J., , Ashford, R. (2010). Strategic Marketing. Routledge. Ranchod, A, Marandi, E. (2007). Strategic Marketing in Practice 2007-2008 CIM coursebook. Routledge. Egen, C., Thomas, M. (2010). CIM Handbook of Strategic Marketing. Taylor Francis.