Thursday, February 27, 2020

Project Management Explore the Role of the Project Management team to Essay

Project Management Explore the Role of the Project Management team to critically analyse the differing ways in which projects can be Organised - Essay Example Projects usually follow major phases or stages (with various titles for these), including feasibility, project planning, implementation, evaluation and support/maintenance. (Free Management Library, 1997-2009) Each project phase normally includes a set of defined work products designed to establish the desired level of management control. Each project phase is marked by completion of one or more deliverable. (William Duncan, 1996) The conclusion of a project phase is generally marked by a review of both key deliverables and project performance in order to (a) determine if the project should continue into its next phase and (b) detect and correct errors cost effectively. (William R. Duncan, 1996) "The project manager should be appointed at any stage of the project, s/he should be appointed prior to the appointment of the project team. The project manager documents a detailed Job Description for each project role and appoints a human resource to each role based on his/her relevant skills and experience. (Jason Westland, 2003)" The initial phase of project management involves feasibility study. This is to find out whether the project is viable or not. Feasibility study plays a very important role for the success of a project. Feasibility study generally involves identifying the future risks involved in the projects and steps to reduce the risks. "A feasibility study should be done based on political, commercial, and organisational elements." (Patrick Andrews, 2002). The feasibility study should be shared with the project management team and various input from the team members need to be analysed and incorporated to the feasibility report. It is important that it should be documented. If the study reveals that the project is not viable, it can be stopped at an early stage thus reducing wastage of resources, time, and cost. If the study is viable, the study should clearly outline the statements proving why the project is viable. The deliverable of a feasibility study is feasibility report. Project Planning Planning a project is extremely important before actually implementing the project. The project plan is necessary in defining the various milestones of the project and coming up with tentative dates to complete each milestone. This helps to keep a check on the project at the various miles

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Experience Working in the medical environment Essay

Experience Working in the medical environment - Essay Example The institution’s location is also suitable for learning. My background study into the institution also identifies competent staffs that are ready to mentor students in the profession’s scope and in leadership. Consequently, studying in the institution, instead of an alternative institution, will improve my chances of completing the program and my chances of securing a job and advancing in the field, besides empowering me with operational and leadership for the field. Compassion for patients is, however, my main reason for pursuing the field of study and this developed from an experience in which care personnel mistreated my friend during our early adolescence. The friend had collapsed and when we took him to the nearest health facility, the personnel appeared preoccupied with other patients and presumed that the friend could have been under influence of drugs and that we could be an illegal gang. This treatment hurt me and I purposed to work in an environment in which I can interact with patients in such a condition and offer them the necessary services. My secondary objective into the field is to play a leadership role and ensure that medical assistants offer patients proper treatment.Working in the medical environment has been my dream and the scope of work of a medical assistant, that involves clinical service, seems to offer an opportunity to fulfilling this dream.